Prepared by Mike Kastre and mailed by Tom Lewis on August 12.
Transition Exploratory Meeting
August 8, 2013, 7 PM
Bank of Romney Community Center
Twenty-nine people attended this meeting.
Facilitator Tom Lewis opened the meeting by providing an overview of how his journey as an author, editor, and journalist gradually brought him to the realization that the industrial era based on cheap and abundant oil is inevitably coming to an end. He talked briefly about how this will impact our lives, and his conclusion that while it is too late to save everyone from its consequences, we can still save anyone who will do the hard work of sustainable living. People who resolve to grow their own food, produce their own energy and the like also need community, and that was, he said, why he suggested this meeting.
He mentioned the Transition Program, but stated that while our efforts might parallel theirs in many ways this was not the driving force behind his efforts to explore how interested parties might find ways to learn, share ideas, and cooperate to make our lives easier and more sustainable. Additionally, he noted that sustainable living is what you do to make the transition to life after peak oil, climate change, and systemic collapse.
Tom was nominated and accepted responsibility for chairing the meeting. He established the rules of conduct (a light version of Robert’s Rules of Order), including refraining from injecting politics into the discussion.
Tom then invited all attendees to introduce themselves and summarize why they were there, what their concerns were, and what they hoped to gain if such a local movement were to become reality.
Common threads among the comments made ranged from the merits of such things as high tunnel greenhouses and solar power to doing things in a more ecologically friendly manner. They fell along the lines of food, energy, and natural building techniques. (Some of these are overlapping or redundant, but still offer a starting point.) Specifically, they included:
Finding ways to share crops, (e.g., one person has corn, but no wheat and someone else has wheat, but no corn…)
Exploring ways to establish a barter system, e.g., someone who knits sweaters exchanging those for such things as food or trading chickens and eggs for vegetables. (There was even mention that one group had created its own currency to facilitate trading…)
Again, lots of concerns and stories, but mostly centered around how to live better, be more self-sufficient, and find ways to make the right connections to help each other and learn.
Do whatever research we can on such things as the transition group ( which is an offshoot of the international groups) and sustainability organizations to facilitate discussions at the next meeting. (This will also be helpful in talking about the future since we are not sure whether or not we should even be formally part of the Transition Program.) (all)
Energy (start to pull together what is available, affordability and technical issues, etc. Tour local installations, organize presentations by experts, etc.)
Food (including such things as organic gardening, greenhouses, livestock raising and slaughter, food preservation.)
Communication (both internal -- website, newsletter, barter and exchange media -- and external -- outreach to media, civic groups, churches and the like,.)
If the group continues, the findings/work of these groups could start to be put together into reports to share with the members as resources.
Thursday, September 12, 7pm