The Initiative, a project of the Friends of Blackwater, has dedicated itself to pursuing answers to such questions as:
- In a warming world, what does the future hold for the region's agriculture, forestry, tourism and outdoor recreation economy?
- What are the risks from changing weather patterns and extreme weather events?
- What do people who care about the Highlands – including property owners and managers, visitors, businesses, civic leaders, professionals, educators, scientists, and local government -- need to know and consider, to best respond to the impacts of climate change?
The organization’s first conference, held in Blackwater Falls in June, drew more than 160 people from the region to hear a daylong presentation by 20 leading biologists, climatologists and other scientists on what is already happening, and what is expected to happen, in our region because of climate change.
Tom Rodd will speak about the conference, some of its surprising findings, and about the ongoing plans of the Initiative to find and share more scientific information on the major crisis of our time.
Mr. Rodd will speak at 7pm Thursday, August 21, at the Hampshire County Health Department Building in Augusta. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend, the event is free and open to the public.
Sustainable Potomac Highlands this month observes the first anniversary of its organization to promote sustainable and resilient living in Hampshire County and nearby communities. It is affiliated with the Transition movement, which seeks to help people prepare for life in a post-climate change, post-peak oil world. More information can be found atwww.sustainablepotomachighland
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