Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 14 Meeting, Draft ByLaws

The next meeting of our group will be on Thursday evening at 7pm at the Hampshire County Health Department building in Augusta. Please note the change.

Below you will find a proposed agenda for the meeting, and a draft set of bylaws drawn up by the bylaws committee you appointed at the last meeting. 

This is an important meeting and will chart the course of our group. Please come, and bring like-minded friends.

Transition Meeting November 14
Draft Agenda

1. Report from the Communications Committee: poll of the membership.

2. What is our name.

3. What are our bylaws.

4. Who are our officers.

5. What websites are we going to maintain? (Communications Committee)

6. Report from the Food Committee. What projects do you have in mind and what is the first one?

7. Report from the Health Committee. What projects do you have in mind and what is the first one?

8. Report from the Energy Committee. What projects do you have in mind and what is your second one?

9. Pass the hat to reimburse Windy for past coffee and refreshments.

Proposed Bylaws of the Hampshire County WV Transition group

Article 1 – Name - The name of the organization shall be “ ___”.

Article II – Purpose - The purpose of this organization is to share and promote the knowledge and practice of sustainable and resilient living in response to multiple challenges to our present way of life such as peak oil, climate change and destruction of natural resources.  

Article III – Membership – Membership in the organization shall be open to any person who shares this purpose, attends meetings, workshops and events, registers on the membership roster, and pays such annual dues as are established by vote of the membership. Members in good standing have the right to vote on any matter that comes before the organization, to participate in any of the organization’s standing committees and to attend any of its meetings.

Article IV - Meetings. The business of the organization shall be conducted at open meetings, notice of which shall be provided all registered members of the organization by email, and such other means as shall seem appropriate, no less than two weeks prior to the meeting. The frequency of the meetings shall be at the discretion of the membership, except that the Executive Committee can call a meeting at any time provided proper notice is given. A quorum of 15 people must be present at any meeting of the organization for any official action to be taken by vote.

Article V – Officers and Elections.

Section 1 – The elected officers of the organizations shall be the Convener, Deputy Convener, Treasurer and Secretary. The Convener may appoint a Parliamentarian and other such officers as shall be deemed desirable. The elected officers will also serve on the Executive Committee.

Section 2 – A nominating committee of three members shall be elected at the October meeting. The committee shall nominate for each office one or more candidates who have consented to serve. Elections shall be held at the November meeting, at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. A majority vote of members present shall elect. Newly elected officers shall assume duties as of January 1.

Article VI – Duties of Officers

Section 1 –The Convener shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee, shall act as principal spokesman for and representative of the organization, and shall fulfill any other duties prescribed by the executive committee or by a vote of the membership.

Section 2 – The Deputy Convener shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Convener, and serve on the Executive Committee. If the Convener is unable or unwilling to complete a term of office, the Deputy Convener shall assume the duties and responsibilities of Convener until the next scheduled meeting of the membership.  
Section 3 – The Secretary shall record minutes of the meetings and the Executive Committee; keep a roll of the members of the organization, and maintain a record of the official actions of the organization in a form that is accessible to the members and that can be easily transferred to the next Secretary.

Section 4 – The Treasurer shall keep track of all funds in the possession of the organization in such accounts as are authorized by the executive committee. Disbursement of funds on behalf of the Organization in any amount over $25.00 shall be by check signed by the Treasurer and the Convener (or in the absence of the Convener, the Deputy Convener).  
Article VII - The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the immediate past convener, and the chairs of all standing committees. The Committee shall act on such matters and make such decisions as require action between meetings of the membership, provided that any such actions are reported to and if necessary validated by a vote of the membership at a regular meeting.

Article VIII – Standing Committees. There shall be standing committees on Food, Energy, Health, Communications and such other subjects as the membership shall determine. Any member of the Organization can join one or more standing committees. Each standing committee shall elect, by majority vote of its members present and voting, a Chair to organize its proceedings and report to the general membership.

Article IX– Amendments. Amendments to these bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting, provided that the membership has been notified of such proposed amendments no less that two weeks prior to the meeting.

Article X - Removal. Any officer, executive committee member or standing committee chair may be removed from office, or any membership in the organization may be revoked, by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a properly constituted meeting.

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